Livestock production, in particular dairy sector contributes significantly to the livelihoods and income generation for millions of small and marginal farming communities in the sub basin by way of producing high value products. Additional investments in this sector will provide an opportunity to increase milk production, leading to positive impacts in the overall socio-economic-nutritional status of smallholder farmers in the project sub-basins. The main objective of the livestock component is to improve the production potential of dairy cattle to ensure increased contribution from the livestock to family income and also to safeguard against potential reductions in yield or crop failure due to climate hazards.

The interventions are:
- Farmer extension and technology dissemination programs through farmers' group approach - Dairy Interest Groups (DIG) will be promoted in the sub-basin villages
- Addressing infertility issues in productive cows and buffaloes
- Preventive health care and nutrition interventions aimed at improving the survival
- Fodder development promotion and preservation
- Strengthening breeding program through strengthening the existing artificial insemination (AI) network and establishing new AI units by placing a locally trained youth
- Infrastructure strengthening for veterinary and disease surveillance units
- Linking Government of India Animal identification system program to enable ICT based MIS. Project will supplement this activity by providing Animal cards.
- Capacity development programs for AHD officers
- Project documentation and impact assessment.