:::TN IAM Project:::

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Contact Us

Sl. No.
Name and Office Address
Contact No.
E-mail ID
1 Secretary to Government,
Water Resources Department
Fort St.George,
Chennai-600 009.
044 25671644 wrdsec@tn.gov.in
2 Secretary to Government,
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department
Fort St.George,
Chennai-600 009.
044 25674482 agrisec@tn.gov.in
3 Secretary to Government,
Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare Department Fort St.George,
Chennai-600 009.
044 25672937 ahsec@tn.gov.in
4 Directorate of Horticulture and Plantation Crops
3rd Floor, Agriculture complex,
Chepauk, Chennai- 600 005
044 28524643 dirhorti@md4.vsnl.ent.in
5 The Commissioner of Agriculture,
Chennai – 600 005.
044 28524894,28583323 diragri@tn.nic.in
6 Department of Agricultural Marketing and Agri. Business,
Guindy Industrial Estate,
SIDCO Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai-600 032.
044 2225 3885 agrimarkbusiness@gmail.com
7 Director, Water Technology Centre,
Tamilnadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore-641 003
0422 – 6611278; 6611378
8 Chief Engineer, Agriculture Engineering Department,
487,Anna salai, Nandanam,
Chennai-600 035.
044 29510522 aedcewrm@gmail.com
9 Commissioner of Fisheries,
3rd Floor, Integrated Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Building,
NandanamChennai-600 006.
044 29510390 / 29510406 tnfisheries@nic.in
10 Chief Engineer,WRD.,
State Ground and Surface Water Resources Data Centre,
Taramani,Chennai-600 113.
044 22541526,22541527 cegwchn@gmail.com
11 Engineer-in-Chief,W.R.D.,
Chepauk,Chennai- 600 005.
044 28525351 eicwrotn@yahoo.co.in
12 Chief Engineer,WRD.,
Chennai Region, Chepauk,
Chennai-600 005.
044 28523007 cecrwropwd@yahoo.co.in
13 Chief Engineer,WRD.,
Plan Formulation,
Chepauk,Chennai-600 005.
044 28525662  
14 Chief Engineer,WRD.,
Design Research and Construction Support,
Chepauk,Chennai-600 005.
044 28413381 cedrcs@rediffmail.com
15 The Chief Engineer,WRD.,
Trichy Region,
0431 2332287 cetrydb@hotmail.com
16 The Chief Engineer,WRD.,
Coimbatore Region,
0422 2381804 chiefwropwd@gmail.com
17 The Chief Engineer,WRD.,
Madurai Region,
Madurai-625 002.
0452 2530826 cewromdu@bsnl.in
18 The Chief Engineer & Director,
Irrigation Management Training Institute,
Trichy-620 015.
0431 2500603 tnimti@yahoo.com
::: TN IAM Project :::
Copy Right to TN IAMP 2018