Integration of aquaculture with irrigation system provides good scope for increasing the productivity of water by way of fish production without intervening in the irrigation activity. The fisheries components in the IAMP project are planned with the following objectives:
- Increase in water spread area under aquaculture and over all fish production
- Introducing Improved production models using fast growing fish verities
- Improved seed production activities including establishing fast growing fish hatchery.
- Production of low-cost and efficient fish feed.
- Promotion of suitable market linkages for better access to markets.
- Capacity building of farmers in adaption of latest aquaculture techniques and Institutional capacity building on aquaculture.

The above objectives shall be achieved by implementing the following interventions:
- Improved Fish Production Activities
- Fish culture in irrigation Tanks
- Aquaculture in Farm Ponds
- Fish Farming in cages
- Improved Fish Seed production Activities
- Fish seed rearing in cages
- Earthen Fish seed rearing and culture Farm
- Pure line brood stock maintenance Center
- Modernization of fish seed Farms
- Gift tilapia hatchery
- Improved fish feed production
- Small scale fish Feed Mill
- Improved Fish Marketing
- Fish kiosk