:::TN IAM Project:::

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   Project Components

Component A: Irrigation and Water Management

The objective of this component is to address irrigation and water management, covering both supply and demand aspects. It consists of four inter-related sub-components: (i) Institutional strengthening and capacity building for water management (ii) Irrigation systems modernization; (iii) Participatory irrigation management and (iv) Convergence for improved service delivery. The support envisaged under the project would cover policy and institutional strengthening.

Component B: Agriculture Productivity Enhancement, Diversification, Improved Livelihoods, Marketing and Value Addition

Component B activities will be spatially linked with investments under Component A for improving productive use of water. Agriculture interventions will form an integral part of sub-basin WRD DPRs for rehabilitation and modernization of tanks and irrigation water delivery systems. Commodity groups of farmers anchored in WUAs will be mobilized and federated as producer association/companies for undertaking commercial activities. These groups will be the focal points for dissemination of improved technologies for increasing crop, horticulture, livestock and fish productivity.

The component consists of 3 sub-components: (i) Agriculture Intensification; (ii) Improving alternative livelihood sources through livestock and inland aquaculture; and (iii) Agriculture Marketing, value-addition and post-harvest management. The implementing agencies are Departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Agriculture Engineering, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Agricultural Marketing, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Tamil Nadu Fisheries University (TNFU), and Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS).

Component C: Project Management Support

The Multi-Disciplinary Project Unit (MDPU) established under the IAMP will serve as the management and coordination unit for the project, with need-based modifications. The MDPU will be coordinating for preparation and catalyzing departments in implementing of respective project budget, sub basin development plans and implementation project supports. The MDPU will provide knowledge support on M&E, social, environmental safeguards, procurement and fiduciary related actions of the departments/implementing agencies involved in the project besides capacity building exercises of the staff of MDPU and organizing orientation trainings to update field officers on various Project issues.

::: TN IAM Project :::
Copy Right to TN IAMP 2018