1. Aquaculture in Farm Ponds:
The farm ponds are excavated primarily for rainwater harvesting, storage and critical irrigation in the farmers field by Agricultural Engineering Department. These farm ponds are well suited for composite fish culture activity. The aquaculture activity will pave way for additional income generation to the farmers. Aquaculture is promoted in these farm ponds as an integrated component. Net revenue of about Rs. 10000/- per pond is envisaged as income to the farmers.
2. Aquaculture in Irrigation Tanks by Establishing Fish Seed Bank:
Fresh water aquaculture in Tamil Nadu depends on timely availability of quality Indian Major Carp Seeds. The breeding season of these carp ends by August. The irrigation tanks receive water mostly during northeast monsoon months. Thus during the season when water is available carp seeds for stocking are scarce. Hence the proposed seed bank will facilitate rearing fish seeds from early fry (3 day old) to advanced fingerling size and the seeds will be supplied to the irrigation tanks for stocking. These Seed Banks will promote sustainable aquaculture in the sub-basin. The rearing space of one unit will be 600 m2 with an output of 3.0 lakhs of advanced fingerlings per annum.
3. Fish seed rearing in cages:
Cage rearing of fish seeds is a less cost intensive method that can be adopted in water bodies. One unit of cage will consist of 3 cages of different mesh size (P 40, 16, P8). Fish Seeds will be reared from early fry to advanced fingerlings in these cages that will be fixed or floated in irrigation tank, having water depth of more than 4 feet.
4. Ornamental Fish Culture:
Ornamental fish culture is a fast growing profitable venture in the field of fisheries like cash crops in Agriculture. The domestic and export trade potential are high with the growing awareness of aquarium keeping and its benefits. This activity is carried out in potential sub basins where suitable Water Quality and Trading opportunity are available. Ornamental fish culture/rearing units are proposed which shall be owned and operated either by Water Users Association or by any progressive farmer. A Net profit of about Rs. 0.60 lakh per year is envisaged with an investment cost of Rs.1.27 lakh per unit.

5. Improvement to Government Fish Seed Farm:
The carp seed rearing farm at Pilavukkal and Vidur have been taken up for improvement and repair, so that the output of fish seed shall be increased. The seed material will cater to the need of the sub basins areas.
6. Supply of Fishing Implements:
The post Project Scenario with good Quality seed material is expected to increase the inland fish production substantially. For effective harvesting of these fishes, fishing implements such as coracles, nylon nets are provided.
7. Fish Kiosks:
To improve the marketing infrastructure and ensure safe and hygienic fish marketing fish kiosks with improved preservation facilities are provided. It is expected to ensure quality fresh water fish to the consumer and better price to the producer.
During the year 2007-08, the above activities were implemented in the first phase 9 sub basins: 1. Varahanadhi 2. Upper Vellar 3. South Vellar 4. Pambar 4. Arjunanadhi 5. Manimuthar 6. Kottakaraiyar 7. Palar 8. Aliyar.
Salient progress made :
This is one of the potential sub basin identified for inland aquaculture development.
1. Aquaculture in farm ponds:
Agricultural farmers of this sub basin were motivated to take up aquaculture in farm ponds through awareness campaigns like IAMWARM days. Sixteen farmers in Villupuram district and three farmers in Tiruvannamalai district envisaged interest in taking up aquaculture. All of them were trained in good management practices in aquaculture and related activities. Seventeen farm ponds were stocked with carp seeds and the culture is in progress. The growth assessment trails showed good growth of fishes in the farm ponds.
2. Fish kiosks:
Two fish kiosks one at Tindivanam and one at Vikravandi were established in the sub basin which will ensure better price to fresh water fish and prime quality fish to the consumer.
3. Fishing implements:
Ten units of fishing implements have been supplied. This will ensure better fishing efficiency in the irrigation tanks and reservoir.
Upper Vellar
1. Aquaculture in farm ponds:
Agricultural farmers of this sub basin were motivated to take up aquaculture in farm ponds through awareness campaigns like IAMWARM days. Fifty-one farmers in the sub basin have envisaged interest in taking up aquaculture in farm ponds. Twelve farm ponds were stocked with carp seeds and the culture is in progress. The farm pond owners / farmers were trained in fresh water aquaculture practices. The growth assessment trials showed good growth of fishes in the farm ponds. Two farm ponds were stocked with fresh water prawns (scampi) as a trial experiment to further enhance the net revenue per pond.
2. Fishing implements:
Five units of fishing implements have been supplied. This will ensure better fishing efficiency in the irrigation tanks and reservoir.
South Vellar
1. Aquaculture in farm ponds:
Agricultural farmers of this sub basin were motivated to take up aquaculture in farm ponds through awareness campaigns like IAMWARM days. Five farm ponds were stocked with carp seeds and the culture is in progress. The farm pond owners / farmers were trained in good management practices in fresh water aquaculture. Though the excavation of the ponds were completed during March 2007 well after the availability of carp seed season, five ponds were managed to be stocked taking advantage of the unseasonal rains during march month with the available stunted seeds.
2. Fish Seed Banks:
Two fish seed banks are being established in this sub basin. During 2008-09 the seed banks will be operational and shall rear fish seeds from early fry to advanced fingerling which shall be the stocking material to the irrigation tanks in the sub basin.
3. Fish seed rearing incages:
Ten units of cages have been supplied to the progressive farmers and fishermen. Rearing of fish seeds commenced in two units.
4. Fishing implements:
Ten units of fishing implements have been supplied. This will ensure better fishing efficiency in the irrigation tanks and reservoirs.
1. Aquaculture in farm ponds:
Agricultural farmers of this sub basin were motivated to take up aquaculture in farm ponds through awareness campaigns like IAMWARM days. Five farm ponds were stocked with carp seeds and the culture is in progress. The farm pond owners / farmers were trained in good management practices in fresh water aquaculture. Though the excavation of the ponds were completed during March 2007 well after the availability of carp seed season, five ponds were managed to be stock with the available stunted seeds.
2. Fish Seed Banks:
One fish seed bank is been established in this sub basin. During 2008-09 the seed banks will be operational and shall rear fish seeds from early fry to advanced fingerling which shall be the stocking material to the irrigation tanks in the sub basin.
3. Fish seed rearing incages:
Ten units of cages have been supplied to the progressive farmers and fishermen. Rearing of fish seed was taken up in one unit .
4. Fishing implements:
Ten units of fishing implements have been supplied. This will ensure better fishing efficiency in the irrigation tanks and reservoirs.
1. Aquaculture in farm ponds:
Agricultural farmers of this sub basin were motivated to take up aquaculture in farm ponds through awareness campaigns like IAMWARM days. Three farm ponds were stocked with carp seeds and the culture is in progress. The farm pond owners / farmers were trained in good management practices in fresh water aquaculture.
2. Fish Seed Banks:
One fish seed bank is been established in this sub basin. During 2008-09 the seed banks will be operational and shall rear fish seeds from early fry to advanced fingerling which shall be the stocking material to the irrigation tanks in the sub basin.
3. Improvement to Government Fish seed farm:
The government fish seed farm at Pilavukkal dam is been renovated. The nurseries will be operational during ensuing year and the fingerlings produced will cater to the need of the irrigation tanks in the sub basin.
4. Fishing implements:
Fifteen units of fishing implements have been supplied. This will ensure better fishing efficiency in the irrigation tanks and reservoirs.
1. Aquaculture in farm ponds:
Agricultural farmers of this sub basin were motivated to take up aquaculture in farm ponds through awareness campaigns like IAMWARM days. Two farm ponds were stocked with carp seeds and the culture is in progress. The farm pond owners / farmers were trained in good management practices in fresh water aquaculture.
2. Fish Seed Banks:
One fish seed bank is been established in this sub basin. During 2008-09 the seed banks will be operational and shall rear fish seeds from early fry to advanced fingerling which shall be the stocking material to the irrigation tanks in the sub basin.
3. Ornamental fish culture:
Five ornamental fish culture units have been established. The beneficiaries have been trained in rearing of ornamental fish and they were taken on exposure visits to ornamental farms.
4. Fishing implements:
Fourteen units of fishing implements have been supplied. This will ensure better fishing efficiency in the irrigation tanks and reservoirs.
1. Fish Seed Banks:
One fish seed bank is been established in this sub basin. During 2008-09 the seed banks will be operational and shall rear fish seeds from early fry to advanced fingerling which shall be the stocking material to the irrigation tanks in the sub basin.
2. Fishing implements:
Six units of fishing implements have been supplied. This will ensure better fishing efficiency in the irrigation tanks and reservoirs.
1. Aquaculture in farm ponds:
Agricultural farmers of this sub basin were motivated to take up aquaculture in farm ponds through awareness campaigns like IAMWARM days. Two farm ponds were stocked with carp seeds and the culture is in progress. The farm pond owners / farmers were trained in good management practices in fresh water aquaculture.
2. Ornamental fish culture:
Two ornamental fish culture units are been established. The beneficiaries have been trained in rearing of ornamental fish and they were taken on exposure visits to ornamental farms.
1. Aquaculture in farm ponds:
Agricultural farmers of this sub basin were motivated to take up aquaculture in farm ponds through awareness campaigns like IAMWARM days. One farm pond was stocked with carp seeds and the culture is in progress. The farm pond owners / farmers were trained in good management practices in fresh water aquaculture.
2. Ornamental fish culture:
Two ornamental fish culture units are been established. The beneficiary have been trained in rearing of ornamental fish and they were taken on exposure visits to ornamental farms. The unit will be operational from Apri2008.
Achievements in a Nut Shell
Sl.No. |
Components |
Progress |
1. |
Aquaculture in farm ponds |
In 47 tanks Aquaculture is in progress. |
2. |
Fish seed bank |
Construction commenced for 9 fish seed banks. |
3. |
Fish seed rearing in cages |
57 units distributed. |
4. |
Improvement to Govt. Fish Seed Farm
(Vidur & Pilavakkal) |
Work in Progress |
5. |
Ornamental fish culture |
9 units established. |
6. |
Fishing implements |
Crafts and gears (nets) distributed to inland fishermen. |
7. |
Fish Kiosk |
2 Fish Kiosks established |
Aquaculture in farm ponds:
Farm ponds were primarily used as rainwater, harvesting structure and the water was used for critical irrigation. Aquaculture with composite fish culture technology was introduced in these Farm ponds to generate additional income to the farmers. The benefits of the activity was explained to the farmers through sustained campaign. The farmers opted for aquaculture were given training in good management practices in aquaculture.
The farm ponds were excavated by Aquaculture Engineering Department. Forty seven farm ponds were stocked. Growth assessment trials conducted revealed good growth of fishes. In Varahanadhi and Upper Vellar sub basin Fresh water prawn (scampi) were stocked along with fish as trials to explore the possibility of further enhancing the income of the farmers.
In Upper Vellar subbasin farm pond owners were motivated to form ‘Vasita Aqua Club’ to harness better benefits through collective purchase of input and sale of fish.
Indian major crop breeding season gets over by August and considering the receipt of water in the farm ponds subsequent to North-East Monsoon it was planned to complete the stocking of farm ponds by November 2007. However with the sustained effort of the officials and keen interest shown by the farmers stunted carp fish seeds for ten farm ponds were purchased and stocked during March 2008. The unseasonal rain during the second fortnight of March 08 facilitated filling up of farm ponds.
Fish seed rearing in cages:
The farmers of the sub basins were encouraged to take up this cost effective technology of fish seed rearing by sustained campaign during joined works through, village meeting etc. The beneficiaries identified were trained in the seed rearing practices. They were also taken on exposure visits to acquaint with the seed rearing technology. Fifty Seven units of net cages were distributed in six potential sub basins.
Rearing of fish seeds was commenced in three units using common carp fry in South Vellar (two) and Pambar (one) sub basins, by erecting the cages in perennial irrigation tanks. The growth assessments revealed satisfactory growth.
Nine fish seed banks are being established in six sub basins after studying the suitability of the sites. Progressive water user associations were identified for operating the seed bank. The seed banks will be operational during 2008-09.
Ornamental Fish Culture:
Three sub basins were identified for this activity. Nine units were established in Manimuthar, Palar and Aliyar sub basins. The beneficiaries have been trained and taken on exposure visits to Ornamental Fish Culture units.
For effective harvest of fishes in the inland water bodies improved fishing gear (nets) and crafts (FRP-coracle) were provided to the inland fishermen. These fishing implements shall improve the fish catching efficiency and also the lively hood of fishermen.
Fish being highly perishable commodity need to be well preserved before selling to the consumer. Fishes kept in prime condition will attract consumer and will fetch better price. Two fish kiosks were established in Varahanadhi sub basin, one each at Vikravandi and Tindivanam.